Thursday, December 13, 2012


My place is a way for you to shop if you like.
The products are mainly to do with your health.
In the water you drink.
How you sleep
What you walk on etc.
My website is all about taking care of your health
Here is a few of the products on my  website that might make a difference in your well being

1. # 1384 $ 374.00   Pi Mag  waterfall drinking water
Drinking this water will  adjust your  PH balance  which will make you alkaline that  fights sickness such as Cancer
acidity is NOT GOOD

2.  # 1155 -$ 161.00
Kenko Naturest custom pillow (will align your neck) helps with shoulder issues

3.# 2020- $60.00  Magsteps for your feet

4. #2024- $64.00   Magstrides (smooth surface for the feet) both are to be worn in shoes or slippers

5. # 1265-- Kenko queen comforter( other sizes and prices on my personal webpage.

6. #1212 -$120.00 with filter Pi-mag ultra shower system, you can even drink this water or brush your teeth while taking your shower.
We love this product
.Removes chlorine too.

All of these products and more on my personal website.
When on my website please read MY STORY there you will find out what this company has done for me and my family's health and well-being.
Thanks for stopping by
Your health and wellness consultant
Beverly Boisen

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